The Darkness Within Read online

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  ‘Please have a seat sir.’ Lewis knew how to suck up. It would mean a nice commission if he got a sale.

  Ferguson took a seat; Lewis took a seat too. There was an awkward silence as Ferguson watched him. There was a lot going through his mind. He wanted to strangle the bastard there and then, but he’d promised Freya would be a part of it and it wasn’t really the place and time.

  ‘So what are you looking for in a car. Luxury, sport, status? I see you already have a beautiful jeep. Probably many more.’

  ‘You’re correct, but a man can never have too many cars.’

  ‘That is correct sir.’ He slammed his hand on the table lightly to show emphasis.

  ‘Give me your best sales pitch on your latest and best sports car.’

  ‘Right.’ He rubbed his hands together excitedly. ‘That baby over there. The Porsche 911 Carrera 4 cabriolet is a mean machine! That one is in black with red leather. As you know you can personalise your vehicle, make it your own. Acceleration from 0-100km/h in 4.7sec. It’s a mean baby!’ He was so enthusiastic that he added his own little lies and exaggerations to the description of the car. Ferguson knew how it worked. The sales man would beef him up with the best sales pitch offering him the moon and throwing in the stars. Most of the time Ferguson didn’t even buy his own cars. He would have a look online, send Gary out for a test drive and trust Gary’s opinion on the car.

  ‘Sounds like a winner. What about that Mercedes?’ he asked.

  Lewis switched gears and began to sell that car too. He knew the ins and out of each car that were on the premises. It was his job to know. It meant money in his pocket. As he was in the middle of his speech the assistant walked in with the hot drinks.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Ferguson and then he watched the way Lewis kept his eye on the beautiful woman.

  ‘So what do you think, sir?’ he asked after doing his best to sell the Mercedes.

  ‘Sounds great. I tell you what, why don’t you continue to impress me over dinner? Or don’t you do dinner with clients?’

  ‘I do whatever the client wants. We’re here to serve, and knowing who you are just makes it that more important.’

  ‘Excellent. I have my eyes on a few cars, so I will make it worth your while.’

  ‘Sounds like a good plan to me.’ Lewis felt his heart skip a beat. The pound signs were rotating around his head. He had to close this deal soon. ‘When would you like to meet?’

  ‘How about…’ He pulled his phone from his suit pocket. ‘Let’s say Thursday evening. Is that any good?’

  ‘Yes perfect.’

  ‘I’ll send the details of where we could meet. Is that good?’ He had wondered if he could get Kevin to pick him up, but that wouldn’t look good.

  ‘That’s perfect.’

  ‘Great. If you give me your card, I’ll have my assistant send you a message with all the details.’

  Lewis sent the card flying across. ‘Sorry. Slipped my hand.’ He was over enthusiastic.

  ‘Not to worry.’ He picked the card from the desk and slid it onto his pocket. ‘I have an idea what cars I’m interested in. Just be sure to bring your portfolio. I’m still easily convinced to change my mind.’

  ‘I will do.’

  ‘Great. I will be off.’

  Lewis walked him to the door feeling satisfied. It looked like he was going to close a big deal. He’d looked Ferguson up and knew that he was a billionaire many times over. Buying a few cars would cost him nothing, but it would give Lewis a big commission.

  ‘Until Thursday.’ Ferguson proffered his hand.

  ‘Until Thursday sir. You won’t be disappointed.’

  ‘No I won’t.’ Ferguson left.


  ‘Right you have a good evening, I’ve got dinner tonight so I have to be off early,’ Freya said to Bailey.

  ‘Is it with that sexy billionaire? Do you know how much he’s worth? I’ve been doing some checking up on him.’

  ‘No and no. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘C’mon. Give me something,’ she laughed.

  ‘Sorry I have nothing. I’ve got a lot on my mind.’

  ‘Yes well, that may be true, but you’re looking happier.’

  Freya stood for a moment. She did feel a lot happier and she’d really lowered on the drink. It wasn’t as easy as quitting cold turkey, she’d need professional help for that, but the less quantities were helping her in every way. The more she talked about her experiences with Ferguson, the light she became.

  ‘Yes I think so too. I feel it.’

  ‘Then he’s good for you.’

  ‘I agree. See you tomorrow.’ This time she really was off.

  Freya stepped into the lift and headed for the ground floor. Two people joined in on the fourth floor on the journey down. Neither of them spoke, their heads down concentrating on their phones. As soon as the door pinged opened she was out and into the waiting car.

  ‘Evening Mark.’

  ‘Miss Johnson. It’s good to see you.’

  ‘You too.’

  He knew where he was taking her. He’d been given her timetable for the week and things would only change if she informed him.

  They headed for the Indian restaurant at the end of Leeds town centre. She got out and headed for the table where her father and Amanda were already waiting.

  ‘You’re late,’ said Amanda.

  ‘Only ten minutes. Not that bad. I was held up at the office. Sorry.’

  ‘Oh give her a break,’ said Nicholas. ‘The point is she’s here.’

  ‘That’s the problem dad, you’re always making excuses for her.’

  ‘Clearly you’re upset with me. So I’m sorry for being late.’ She sat down.

  ‘It’s okay love. What would you like to drink?’

  Freya knew this was a tricky one. She wanted the usual vodka, but it wouldn’t be without a lot of grief from Amanda. She wasn’t sure she was up to defending herself, but she also wanted a drink pretty badly.

  ‘I’ll have a vodka and coke.’

  ‘Oh boy!’

  ‘Amanda. We talked about this.’

  ‘It’s okay dad. I don’t blame her for hating my drinking.’

  ‘I don’t just hate it. It has ruined our lives.’

  ‘You seem to be doing pretty fine to me.’

  Amanda gave her an angry glare.

  ‘It’s true. You’re fine.’

  ‘Do you have any idea how hard this is for all of us!’

  ‘That’s why I called you here today.’

  Amanda didn’t know what was coming, but she wouldn’t believe anything her sister told her. She’d lied to them so many times before that it was hard to believe.

  ‘How about we order your drink and then you can tell us all about it,’ Nicholas said kindly.

  ‘Thanks dad.’

  ‘Do you know what you want to eat?’

  ‘I think I do,’ said Freya.

  ‘Yeah I do too.’ Amanda felt it was better to be bitter than to give her sister a chance. It was the only way she knew how to protect herself.

  ‘Great we’ll place the food order too.’

  They went ahead and did that before Freya was available to tell them the good news. The vodka arrived and she took a big gulp, to which Amanda gave a disapproving look. It was to be expected. As soon as she put the drink down, a text message pinged on her mobile.

  ‘Sorry one minute.’

  ‘Oh boy,’ Amanda sighed and her father gave her a warning look. She could never understand how her father could be so understanding. But he felt it was better than trying to fight it.

  Hey darling where are you?

  Out with my family, I did tell you.

  Oh yes. Can I come and join you?

  Freya hesitated a moment. She was certain her father wouldn’t mind at all, but it was another story with Amanda.

  ‘My boyfriend would like to join us.’

  ‘What boyfriend?’ Amanda snorted.

erguson. Dad’s met him.’

  ‘Oh yes, a very nice man. That’s fine with me.’

  ‘I guess I don’t have much say.’

  ‘Of course you do. If you don’t want him here, then that’s fine.’

  ‘Fine. He can join us, what harm can it do. We’re already dysfunctional. It can’t get any worse.’

  ‘Great. I’m glad we’re all in agreement.’ There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

  Sure, you can come along, xx

  Great, see you soon darling.


  ‘So tell us this good news or do we need to wait for Ferguson?’ asked Nicholas.

  ‘Well it doesn’t matter really. A lot has to do with him.’ She took another big gulp of the vodka to Amanda’s annoyance. ‘I want to get clean.’ She smiled.

  ‘Oh darling that’s wonderful news?’

  ‘Really? What happened? After all these years you suddenly want to get clean?’

  ‘I thought you’d be happy for me.’

  ‘I am; I just don’t get it. What’s changed?’

  ‘Mandy, why don’t you just celebrate the fact she wants to.’

  ‘It’s one thing to want to, it’s another actually doing it.’

  ‘And I will. Ever since I met Ferguson my life has changed.’

  ‘That quickly? What does he have or what did he do that no professional could achieve?’

  ‘I know you have no faith in me, but this is what it is. He’s saved my life. I was able to open up to him than I have ever done with anyone.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘That’s good news honey. I’m really happy and proud.’

  The starters arrived and they began to eat. A few minutes later Ferguson arrived and he was introduced to Amanda and again to Nicholas.

  ‘It’s nice to meet this miracle worker. I’m surprised you convinced her to change in such a short time.’ Amanda was still very sceptical.

  ‘Yes well it takes a lot of attention and love to do that.’

  ‘I see. So what do you do?’ Amanda asked.

  ‘Really Amanda?’ Freya was a little annoyed.

  ‘Yes. I just want to make sure he isn’t some drug dealer.’

  ‘Amanda!’ Freya warned.

  ‘It’s okay. Your sister loves you. She wants to make sure you’re okay.’

  ‘Well she has a funny way of showing it.’ She gave her a gaze.

  ‘I’m in the oil business. No drugs or illegal stuff.’

  ‘I see.’ She didn’t seem convinced.

  ‘Here. Here’s my card.’ He stretched over and gave it to her. Amanda took it. She would definitely check him out.

  ‘Would you like a drink, Ferguson?’ asked Nicholas.

  ‘An apple juice will be fine.’

  ‘You don’t drink?’ Amanda asked surprised.

  ‘No I don’t. I was raised by an abusive alcoholic so I wanted nothing to do with it.’

  ‘And yet you’re dating my sister. An alcoholic!’

  ‘Amanda, please.’ Nicholas warned.

  ‘It’s fine dad. She’s right. I am an alcoholic and that’s why I want to do something about it. I will show you that I’m serious.’

  ‘And I believe you love.’

  ‘You have my support,’ said Ferguson.

  ‘I know honey.’ She leaned into him.

  Amanda just wasn’t buying into the sudden romance. It was all too quick. She wondered what he wanted from her drunk sister. It didn’t make sense. In her own time, she would have him checked out.

  ‘So what do you do, Amanda?’ Ferguson could sense she didn’t like him much. He would work on it.

  ‘I’m a health visitor. I work with children mostly.’

  ‘Sounds interesting.’

  ‘It is.’

  His drink arrived and he placed an order of what he wanted to eat. They spoke and exchanged stories, except for Amanda who wasn’t very forth coming. She was guarded and hoped that her sister wasn’t just giving up one habit for another. Amanda just wasn’t sure what kind of drug Ferguson was offering, but she was suspicious that he was offering her something. Amanda knew her sister. She wasn’t that easily persuaded unless there was something in return.

  The night finally came to an end. The group said their goodbyes. Nicholas was pleased that Freya had found someone, while Amanda was suspicious. She would get to the bottom of it one way or another.

  ‘Love you dad, and thank you for believing in me.’

  ‘I always do.’

  They hugged, and Amanda gave a reluctant hug.

  ‘Love you both,’ she said to her family.

  They parted ways.

  ‘I don’t trust Ferguson,’ Amanda said to Nicholas. ‘It’s sounds too good to be true. It’s as if he’s after something.’

  ‘You should be more trusting of people. It will help your sister.’

  ‘Dad do you really think he’s helped her get better. There is something he’s offering her. I can feel it. She’s an addict. She doesn’t just get better.’

  ‘I don’t know love. I think he’s alright.’

  She shrugged. That was her father’s downfall. He was too quick to trust. Too easy to please. Sometimes she wished their mother was there, because she was the one who was stronger.

  ‘It will be alright. I know you’re worried about your sister, but I can’t see it getting any worse than it already is. She’s already hit rock bottom. The only way is up.’

  ‘I hope you’re right dad. I just want her to be okay.’

  ‘I know you do love. She’ll be fine. I believe she will be.’


  ‘That was interesting,’ said Ferguson on the ride home. ‘Your sister doesn’t like me much.’

  ‘She doesn’t like anyone.’ She laughed.

  ‘Well I will change that. Everyone likes me in the end.’

  ‘Well she’s a hard one to please, so good luck with that.’

  He took her hand into his and gave it a squeeze. He then brought her hand to his lips and brushed it with a kiss.

  ‘I have some good news,’ he said after he’d given her hand a good kiss.

  ‘Yeah. What’s that?’

  ‘I found Lewis. I saw him this morning.’

  Her heart stopped a moment. She wasn’t sure if it was good or bad news. It was hard to know. She felt as though her breathing had become restricted.

  ‘He’s a car sales manager at a very prestige car dealership. He’s eager to sell me a few cars.’

  She was silent.

  ‘Are you okay? I thought you’d be thrilled.’

  ‘I am. I’m just remembering his horrible breath against my neck as he…’

  ‘It’s okay, it’s coming to an end. He will pay for it. I will make sure of it. I have dinner with him on Thursday.’

  ‘Is that when it’s going to happen?’

  ‘Yes. It is.’

  ‘I want to be there.’

  ‘I know darling. And that is why I’m telling you. You will be. I’ll have my driver pick you up.


  ‘Are you up for it?’

  ‘No. But I want to see the fear in his eyes when he realises.’

  ‘And you will my love. You will.’

  She turned forward and sat with her thoughts. Once they arrived back to her house he took her by the hand and led her up the stairs.

  ‘Wait.’ She took a step back. ‘I’ve got to get a drink. I’m sorry.’

  ‘That’s fine. I’ll wait right here.’

  She smiled. Headed back downstairs and to the kitchen cupboard that housed the alcohol. The vodka was down her throat in no time. The thought of rehab a mile away. The immediate effect of the alcohol was all that mattered to her. Once Freya was satisfied she headed upstairs to join him.

  ‘Come here,’ he held out his hand sat on the bed.

  Instead of responding immediately she began to strip off her clothes.

  ‘Hmm, that’s nice.’

  She bit her lower lip as
she lowered the trousers and finally the shirt. Freya stood in her panty and bra.

  ‘You look so sexy. I want to eat you up, now come here.’

  She walked towards him and was in his arms. They fell back into the bed and he began to ravish her body. Freya was taken in by his amazing touch. She loved the way his lips explored her neck. She loved the way he smelled and the way he continued to reassure her that he would never hurt her.

  A moment later she pulled away.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked concerned.

  ‘I love you,’ she smiled.

  ‘I love too, now let’s finish what we started.’ He pulled her back and she giggled as she enjoyed the way he continued to explore her body.

  He was gentle at first but as things began to heat up he became a little more demanding. It didn’t startle her because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Within moments they were soon united and all the things that had been on their minds had been long forgotten. Her life felt different when she was in his arms. She didn’t feel like she had to be anyone but herself. Their bodies reached a high before coming back down.

  ‘Oh yes! God yes,’ she let out at the end of it. ‘That was awesome.’ She fell back into the bed.

  ‘It was indeed.’ He too was out of breath and lay into the bed. ‘We’re going to have a wonderful time together,’ he said.

  She turned to him and looked at him. For a moment he kept his gaze on the ceiling, but then turned to meet her eyes.

  ‘I think we are!’ she smiled. ‘I think I need a drink.’ She shot up suddenly.

  ‘You wait right here and I’ll get you one.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Love you.’

  ‘Love you too.’ He left her.

  Chapter Ten

  Lewis left the office a little earlier than usual to get ready for his big meeting. He was excited and couldn’t wait to close a big deal. He drove home deep in thought. He’d also taken the time to find out more about Mr. Banks. The more he found out the more excited he was about selling him the most expensive cars.

  He arrived home to his wonderful wife and kids. He gave her a kiss and let the kids know he wouldn’t be around to put them to bed.

  ‘But why daddy?’ asked one of the twins.

  ‘Because daddy’s got work to do, but I will make it up to you. If daddy can sell a car, he’ll buy you that game you wanted.’

  ‘You will!’ he squealed.
